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Could Your Low Dopamine Be Due to Vitamin D Deficiency?
Imagine waking up every morning feeling sluggish, unmotivated, and unable to concentrate. Unfortunately, this is a reality for many women…
Surprising Link Between ADHD and PCOS in Women
Recently, we’ve learned that ADHD affects women in some unexpected ways, often thwarting the ‘typical’ diagnostic criteria of their male…
The Four Types of ADHD in Children
In the middle of summer, no one wants to think of going back to school. But for many parents of…
Why Magnesium Matters
We all hope that food is our ultimate medicine, but given the variables of food processing, manufacturing and farming, food…
5 Foods for Better Focus
Over the years, I have come across more adults who rely on ADHD medication for optimal brain function. But did you…
Power Up: Reboot Your Family’s Brain This Summer
For many families I know, summer break also means “medication break” for children with ADHD. While summer is a great time…
Seven Home Strategies for ADHD (from an OT)
Today we are gaining insight into occupational therapy (OT) for children with ADHD