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Batch Cooking: Cook Once, Eat Multiple Times

There is no question that the healthiest place to eat is in your very own kitchen! The problem that many…

By Dr. Taz| February, 25 2016

What Are You Doing for Heart Health?

Did you know that February is American Heart Month? Fitting, right?! The heart is a precious and vital organ that…

By Dr. Taz| February, 23 2016

The Healthy Morning Routine Challenge

Mornings at my house used to be so stressful and my head would be spinning by 7a.m. It wasn’t the…

By Dr. Taz| February, 21 2016

Protein Hacks for Kids- How to Get the Right Amount

Are you worried about whether or not your kids are getting enough protein? You are not alone. This is a…

By Dr. Taz| February, 19 2016

What Makes a Good Supplement?

Unfortunately, most of us can’t rely on food alone to meet all of our nutritional needs. Our soil and crops…

By Dr. Taz| February, 19 2016

At-Home Couples Massage Hacks

I would be lying if I said that I don’t enjoy getting chocolate, flowers, or jewelry from my hubby on…

By Dr. Taz| February, 9 2016

Quick Tips to Calm the Mind and Body

Do you feel like the minute the alarm goes off, you are going nonstop until your head hits the pillow?…

By Dr. Taz| February, 8 2016

Dangers of Microbeads + a Better Way To Exfoliate!

Microbeads are a hot topic right now particularly because President Obama recently signed the Microbead-Free Waters Act of 2015 which…

By Dr. Taz| February, 1 2016

3 Winter Smoothies

Even though it is cold outside, it does not mean you need to ditch your morning smoothie! Smoothies are a…

By Dr. Taz| February, 1 2016
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