Superwoman Wellness

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Yoga Poses During Pregnancy

Pregnancy can be a wonderful and totally nerve-wracking time in a woman’s life. I remember when I first found out…

By Dr. Taz| June, 21 2016

Summer Abs: Your Best Tone Ever

Summer is right around the corner, which means it is bathing suit and shorts season. Everyone has had those summers…

By Dr. Taz| May, 17 2016

Best Women’s Health Tips by Decade

UPDATE: I’ve heard from so many women that found this post helpful, so I am sharing again as we kick…

By Dr. Taz| May, 9 2016

Two Killer Toning Exercises You Can Do Anywhere

Who doesn’t want a toned derriere?! Unfortunately, if you don’t work it, you can lose it. The good news is…

By Dr. Taz| March, 18 2016

Three 15-Minute Workouts to Get Ready for Summer

Many of us are pressed for time which means we don’t have an hour each day to get to the…

By Dr. Taz| March, 7 2016

What Are You Doing for Heart Health?

Did you know that February is American Heart Month? Fitting, right?! The heart is a precious and vital organ that…

By Dr. Taz| February, 23 2016

Dangers of Microbeads + a Better Way To Exfoliate!

Microbeads are a hot topic right now particularly because President Obama recently signed the Microbead-Free Waters Act of 2015 which…

By Dr. Taz| February, 1 2016

Fuel UP: Pre- and Post-Workout

Are you confused about what to eat before and after your workout? Are you constantly asking yourself if you should…

By Dr. Taz| January, 25 2016

Top Health and Fitness Apps

It still astounds me that we can track how many steps we walk in a day, calories burned, find the…

By Dr. Taz| January, 23 2016
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