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Oil Pulling: to Pull or Not to Pull

Have you heard of oil pulling, but aren’t exactly sure what it is or why you should jump on the…

By Dr. Taz| January, 12 2016

2 Stretches Everyone at a Desk Needs

Are you tied to a desk all day?  Does your back ache or hips feel stiff?  Guess what?!  You do…

By Dr. Taz| January, 12 2016

3 Ways to Change Up Your Morning Smoothie

Are you tired of your same old morning smoothie?  We all have our fave smoothie mixtures down pat, so why…

By Dr. Taz| January, 12 2016

New Year: 7 Benchmarks of Health

It feels like an onslaught. Health and wellness information coming at us from all directions. Eat this way, do this…

By Dr. Taz| December, 31 2015

Best Gifts for Your Health Nut

Although it’s tempting, not everyone appreciates chocolate-covered cherries, candy canes and sugar-filled fruitcakes in their stockings! So what do you…

By Dr. Taz| December, 2 2015

National Alzheimer’s Month: New Ways to Prevent & Detect

November is National Alzheimer’s Awareness Month, and while the disease is complex and delicate in terms of treatment and finding…

By Dr. Taz| November, 2 2015

Get to Know Your Skin Story

Every skin has a unique story, with color and features distinctively its own. Even more, our skin shifts over time,…

By Dr. Taz| September, 22 2015

Staying Slim on The Road

It’s travel season! Time to spend time with family and enjoy the warm weather. Your flight is booked, your bags…

By Dr. Taz| June, 29 2015

Cancer Prevention, Simplified

(Video) Dr. Taz sums up cancer prevention in two key concepts.

By Dr. Taz| February, 22 2015
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