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3 Ways to Use Leftover Hard-Boiled Easter Eggs
I can remember as a kid waiting for our Easter eggs to boil so we could decorate them. As a…
Allergy Prevention: Kale Blueberry Pineapple Smoothie
Spring is officially here and with it comes the gorgeous blooms and greenery! But, it’s also time for that car-coating…
How to Grocery Shop & Avoid Weight Gain
The grocery store can be your best friend or worst enemy. It all depends on where your mind is at…
Two Killer Toning Exercises You Can Do Anywhere
Who doesn’t want a toned derriere?! Unfortunately, if you don’t work it, you can lose it. The good news is…
5 Things to Leave Out of Your Grocery Cart
The best thing you can do for you and your family is to be an educated shopper. There are so…
Three 15-Minute Workouts to Get Ready for Summer
Many of us are pressed for time which means we don’t have an hour each day to get to the…
Allergy Prevention: My Strawberry Mocktail
Spring is coming and though many of us are excited for the warm weather, with it comes pollen and allergy…
Spring Clean Your Gut
Spring isn’t just a time to cleanout the clutter. It’s also a time to kick start your health and cleanout…
Prevent Spring Allergies Now
Allergies affect millions of people. In Atlanta, we see people with allergies all year round, but the worst time of…