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Refreshing Juice Blends for Hot Summer Days

It’s time for the weekend, and it’s hot out there! Try refreshing yourself with one of these delicious juice blend…

By Dr. Taz| July, 8 2016

Cellulite Busting Summer Smoothie

It’s prime beach, swimsuit, tank and shorts weather, and I’m hearing from so many of you about cellulite. These are…

By Dr. Taz| July, 6 2016

Best Ways to Prevent and Treat Razor Burn

You have been eating well, exercising, hydrating, and sleeping 8 hours a night. You are ready for summer… except for…

By Dr. Taz| June, 29 2016

Homemade Dairy-Free Ice Cream

Non-dairy ice cream is becoming increasingly popular because people are cutting dairy out of their diets due to an allergy,…

By Dr. Taz| June, 26 2016

Foods for Glowing Summer Skin

To me, summer is a time for slowing down, catching up with family and friends, taking family vacations, and enjoying…

By Dr. Taz| June, 23 2016

Yoga Poses During Pregnancy

Pregnancy can be a wonderful and totally nerve-wracking time in a woman’s life. I remember when I first found out…

By Dr. Taz| June, 21 2016

Tips for Men’s Health

As we get ready to celebrate the men in our respective worlds who are fathers, I find myself reminding patients,…

By Dr. Taz| June, 15 2016

Summer Produce Guide: What to Pick & Ways to Use

I associate summer with fresh, plump, blueberries just like I associate fall with pumpkins. I love the summer for many…

By Dr. Taz| June, 7 2016

Lemon-lime Ginger Iced Tea with Basil

Try this detoxifying tea, and sip on it all summer long! Lemon is great at helping to flush those toxins…

By Dr. Taz| June, 4 2016
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