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Last-Minute Tips for Holiday Stress

The holidays are a magical time of year. After-all, it is the time of year to celebrate peace, joy and…

By Dr. Taz| December, 24 2016

Best Defense for Colds and Viruses

Surprising Best Defense for Colds and Viruses Using food as medicine in many cultures is an ancient practice and a…

By Dr. Taz| November, 30 2016

4 Things to Avoid (not to eat) While Nursing

After I had my babies, I was so excited to be able to eat and drink some of my favorites…

By Dr. Taz| November, 17 2016

2016 Health Trends: Worth it?

We’ve had so many new health trends released in 2016. Sure it can be overwhelming at times to keep up,…

By Dr. Taz| November, 8 2016

Liver Detox for Bright Skin, Energy

Are you feeling groggy, run down, missing that glow, and tired no matter how much coffee you drink or how…

By Dr. Taz| November, 1 2016

Best Postpartum Smoothie

Adequate nutrition is so very important before and during your pregnancy, right? Everyone knows this! But how about when your…

By Dr. Taz| October, 27 2016

Don’t Walk, Run and Buy a Medicine Ball

It’s amazing how many different types of equipment there are just to workout! Cavemen and women sure didn’t have all…

By Dr. Taz| October, 19 2016

Easy Protein Bfast for the Family

Let’s cut to the chase here—making a healthy breakfast and packing school lunch is just stressful! You might have multiple…

By Dr. Taz| October, 14 2016

My Must-Have Food for Hormone Balance

I tend to shy away from giving the…it only takes one-step to achieve [blank]…advice. Our bodies are so intricate, and…

By Dr. Taz| September, 30 2016
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