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Your 2015 Whole Health Test: The Complete Guide to Wellness and Prevention
With the start of the new year, health becomes a priority and shifts to the forefront of our consciousness. It…
What Is Your Exercise Type? And, My Personal Fitness Routine!
Knowing your body type can help you find a fitness plan that works best for you – one that you…
Journey to Whole Health
3 Steps to Lasting New Year’s Resolutions. It’s that time again — time to reflect, refresh and redirect ourselves as…
Dr. Taz’s New Year’s Challenge for a Healthier 2015!
Watch as Dr. Taz shares her New Year’s Challenge for a Healthier 2015!
5 Reasons To Fix Your Belly In 2015
How are you kicking off your new year? May I suggest getting a fresh start with
10-Minute Journaling Exercise (Free Printable!)
This habit is easy to start, takes discipline to stick with, but the benefits will pay off forever. Journaling is…
Finding Sanity in the Holiday Rush (8 Practical Tips)
We’re shopping, decorating, entertaining family and friends… all the while maintaining our normal day-to-day routine. The holidays are a beautiful…
Dr. Taz’s Holiday Travel First-Aid Bag
Do you have any holiday travel plans? I love getting away during this time of year for some meaningful time…
Dr. Taz’s Healthy Cooking Substitutes
Today we’re swapping out a couple of the conventional ingredients for healthier alternatives.