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Your 2015 Whole Health Test: The Complete Guide to Wellness and Prevention

With the start of the new year, health becomes a priority and shifts to the forefront of our consciousness. It…

By Dr. Taz| January, 15 2015

What Is Your Exercise Type? And, My Personal Fitness Routine!

Knowing your body type can help you find a fitness plan that works best for you – one that you…

By Dr. Taz| January, 9 2015

Journey to Whole Health

3 Steps to Lasting New Year’s Resolutions. It’s that time again — time to reflect, refresh and redirect ourselves as…

By Dr. Taz| January, 5 2015

Dr. Taz’s New Year’s Challenge for a Healthier 2015!

Watch as Dr. Taz shares her New Year’s Challenge for a Healthier 2015!

By Dr. Taz| December, 30 2014

5 Reasons To Fix Your Belly In 2015

How are you kicking off your new year? May I suggest getting a fresh start with

By Dr. Taz| December, 29 2014

10-Minute Journaling Exercise (Free Printable!)

This habit is easy to start, takes discipline to stick with, but the benefits will pay off forever. Journaling is…

By Dr. Taz| December, 29 2014

Finding Sanity in the Holiday Rush (8 Practical Tips)

We’re shopping, decorating, entertaining family and friends… all the while maintaining our normal day-to-day routine. The holidays are a beautiful…

By Dr. Taz| December, 15 2014

Dr. Taz’s Holiday Travel First-Aid Bag

Do you have any holiday travel plans? I love getting away during this time of year for some meaningful time…

By Dr. Taz| December, 12 2014

Dr. Taz’s Healthy Cooking Substitutes

Today we’re swapping out a couple of the conventional ingredients for healthier alternatives.

By Dr. Taz| December, 1 2014
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