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6 Ways to Liven Up Your Libido in a Day

If you find yourself feeling a whole lot less friskier than you once were, it can be frustrating for sure….

By Dr. Taz| February, 13 2017

Best Defense for Colds and Viruses

Surprising Best Defense for Colds and Viruses Using food as medicine in many cultures is an ancient practice and a…

By Dr. Taz| November, 30 2016

Best Ways to Prevent and Treat Razor Burn

You have been eating well, exercising, hydrating, and sleeping 8 hours a night. You are ready for summer… except for…

By Dr. Taz| June, 29 2016

Bug-Free Summer + DIY Bug Spray Recipe

Here in Atlanta, we have a lot of bugs that come out in the summer because it is so humid….

By Dr. Taz| May, 16 2016

Is Sunscreen-Free Time Allowed? + Natural Sunscreen

I do believe that the sun is one of the best ways to get our daily dose of vitamin D,…

By Dr. Taz| May, 13 2016

Composting 101

I have always wanted to know more about composting, so in honor of Earth Day this year, I caught up…

By Dr. Taz| April, 22 2016

The Healthy Morning Routine Challenge

Mornings at my house used to be so stressful and my head would be spinning by 7a.m. It wasn’t the…

By Dr. Taz| February, 21 2016

At-Home Couples Massage Hacks

I would be lying if I said that I don’t enjoy getting chocolate, flowers, or jewelry from my hubby on…

By Dr. Taz| February, 9 2016

Fuel UP: Pre- and Post-Workout

Are you confused about what to eat before and after your workout? Are you constantly asking yourself if you should…

By Dr. Taz| January, 25 2016
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