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Dr. Taz MD, Solutions for Living Healthy Naturally: Treating SAD Naturally
SAD, or Seasonal Affective disorder is a disorder similar to depression that affects some people during certain times of the…
Redefining Healthy: Are You Really Healthy? The GET HEALTHY 2014 Test for Your Whole Family
You made the resolution. 2014 is going to be your year to get yourself back. You will be your healthiest…
Healthy: Are You Really Healthy? The GET HEALTHY 2014 Test for Your Whole Family
You made the resolution. 2014 is going to be your year to get yourself back. You will be your healthiest…
Dr. Taz MD, Solutions for Living Healthy Naturally: Redefining Healthy in 2014 For Your Whole Family
I know you all have your lists of resolutions, but I invite you all to begin my 10-Day New Year…
Dr. Taz MD’s Guide to Living Healthy, Naturally Newsletter Issue Seven
The goal of the Dr. Taz MD’s Living Healthy, Naturally guide is to inform our readers about current and topical…
Dr. Taz MD’s Solutions for Living Healthy Naturally: Tis the [Flu] Season
It is that magical time of year when it seems like you and everyone you know gets sick. Fortunately, you…
Freezing Out Colds and Flu This Winter: The P’s and Q’s of Boosting Your Immune System
It has arrived. The sneezing, coughing, fever-ridden season has officially begun. Affecting children and adults, winter viruses often don’t discriminate…
Dr. Taz MD’s Guide to Living Healthy, Naturally Newsletter Issue Five
Each edition of “Dr. Taz MD “Guide to Living Healthy, Naturally” will provide readers with a comprehensive report on a variety…