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Dr. Taz MD, Solutions for Living Healthy Naturally: Managing Holiday Stress

The holidays are a magical time of year. It is a time of the year to celebrate peace, joy and…

By Dr. Taz| December, 3 2013

Dr. Taz MD’s Weekly Q&A, December 2nd, 2013

Q: You spoke of treatment for Osteoarthritis, is there a cure or way to reverse it? A: Osteoarthritis, an inflammatory joint disease,…

By Dr. Taz| December, 2 2013

Freezing Out Colds and Flu This Winter: The P’s and Q’s of Boosting Your Immune System

It has arrived. The sneezing, coughing, fever-ridden season has officially begun. Affecting children and adults, winter viruses often don’t discriminate…

By Dr. Taz| November, 28 2013

Dr. Taz MD’s Guide to Living Healthy, Naturally Newsletter Issue Five

Each edition of “Dr. Taz MD “Guide to Living Healthy, Naturally” will provide readers with a comprehensive report on a variety…

By Dr. Taz| November, 27 2013

Dr. Taz MD, Solutions for Living Healthy Naturally: Tips for a Healthier Holiday Season

The holiday season is upon us; the Halloween candy was just the beginning. In just a few days, turkeys, hams,…

By Dr. Taz| November, 27 2013

Ask Dr. Taz: Do Energy Drinks Really Work?

Q: I often need a pick-me-up. Do energy drinks really work?

By Dr. Taz| November, 21 2013

Dr. Taz MD’s Weekly Q&A, November 20th, 2013

Q: I am in my twenties and do not have diabetes, but my sweet tooth and family history of diabetes makes…

By Dr. Taz| November, 20 2013
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