The fall is almost upon us, but in some regions, higher temperatures might prolong the ragweed allergy season that so many people suffer from. If you habitually suffer from allergies, you’ll want to take a look at your gut health and diet and consider trying the following:

  • Reduce sugar
  • Limit or eliminate dairy
  • Fill your diet with probiotic-rich foods
  • Limit or consider eliminating gluten
  • Load up on pineapple and green apples because they contain nature’s natural anti-histamine

You might need to alter some of your fall habits like keeping your windows rolled-up and closed, even on nicer days! I recommend neti-pots and saline spray to keep nasal passages flushed and rinsed when pollen counts soar.

Here’s the recipe I shared on The Weather Channel’s AMHQ with Stephanie Abrams. It’s detoxifying and immune building at the same time. Blend together all the items or juice them for an allergy-busting blend that tastes delicious. Drink often and vary with fruits and veggies you love! Just don’t forget the pineapple!

Allergy-Busting Smoothie

  • 1/2 cup loosely packed organic cilantro leaves
  • 4 large mint leaves
  • 1 small knob of ginger
  • ¼ of a fresh pineapple (the core can be juiced but not blended)
  • 1 medium cucumber
  • 1 lime or 1 lemon, peeled