I can remember as a kid waiting for our Easter eggs to boil so we could decorate them. As a mom, I love seeing my kids get excited about the very same thing. As soon as they see Easter bunnies and candy on display, they always ask when we are going to decorate our Easter eggs.
As a kid, I think we discarded the hardboiled Easter eggs after we were done hiding them. I could be wrong, but I do not remember eating them. Now, I can’t fathom seeing a perfectly good hard-boiled egg going to waste! Eggs are loaded with nutrients such a choline (vital for the proper functioning of our cells), protein and healthy fat. In my opinion, it is nature’s perfect food (if you are not allergic).
Here are 3 of my favorite things to do with leftover Easter eggs:
1. The easiest thing that I like to do with leftover Eggs is to cut them in half, sprinkle with salt and pepper, and devour! This is perfect if you are on the go or need some added protein at breakfast. Also, hard-boiled eggs are great to send with your kids to school.
2. I also like to whip up a healthier version of egg salad with smashed avocado instead of mayonnaise. I typically add mustard, fresh dill, and salt and pepper to taste. Enjoy as is or on your favorite gluten free bread.
3. Deviled eggs have always been a favorite of mine, but I do not like their ingredients. Therefore, I came up with my own deviled egg recipe. I simply mash up the yolk with whatever hummus I have on hand. Once the yolk and hummus are mixed together, I put the mixture back into the middle of the egg. I like to eat a few with yellow pepper slices for added fiber and Vitamin C or added to a salad.
While we are talking Easter, can we talk about how many grams of sugar a 1/2 cup of jelly beans have in them? Are you ready for this? 30-35 grams of sugar! What can a parent do who wants their kids to enjoy some of the traditions of Easter, but not be buzzing around on a sugar-high only to crash an hour later?
Quick tip: try letting young kids scoop out a tablespoon of jelly beans each morning into a glass jar. Throughout the day they can have them as a treat or after lunch. Let them choose. Explain to them that too many jelly beans can hurt their belly or give them a belly ache!
Hoppy Easter!