Should I Use MCT Oil?

MCTs, or medium chain triglycerides, are a unique form of dietary fat that come with many positive health benefits which include:

The research is still pouring in on these oils, and as always we have much to learn. But exactly what are MCT oils and how do they work in your body?

To answer that question, let’s first find out what makes MCTs different from other fats you eat.

What Are Dietary Fats?

Dietary fats are molecules that are linked into carbon chains—some short, some medium, some long.

Long chain fatty acids (LCTs) are 12-18 carbons long and also the most popular in Western diets and include things like soybean oil, fish oil, oils in any nuts, avocado and meats. They’re broken down in your digestive system to provide energy and calories for your metabolism.

MCTs are shorter in length, and range from 6 to 10 carbon links, and are most often found in unrefined coconut oil, grass-fed butter, and more recently available as an MCT supplement or oil. MCTs are broken down in your liver, and NOT in regular digestion.

You can find 2 grams of coconut MCTs in Belly Fix, along with fermented superfoods and gut-protecting L-glutamine.

Short-chain fatty acids are found less in food we eat and are produced by dietary fiber by your friendly gut bacteria. We’ll save these for another discussion.

Fun fact: Keto coffee or high-fat/low-carb coffees have exploded in popularity and boast high amounts of MCT oil, but it’s hardly an original idea! These trends were originally adapted from the traditional Tibetan drink, yak butter tea, which is made with grass-fed yak butter.

Where is MCT Oil Found?

Medium chain triglycerides or MCTs are found in the highest concentration naturally in unrefined coconut oil. My favorite way of getting MCT oil is with unrefined, organic coconut oil, mixed with ghee made from organic, grass-fed butter.

The combination gives you the different sort of MCTs that offer the best benefit.

These oils support your good cholesterol, helps your gut, and provides fuel for healthy hormone production. I recommend about 10 grams per day, or 2 teaspoons of ghee or coconut oil.

Quick + Easy MCT Recipe

Try your own homemade version of MCT tea or coffee by whipping a teaspoon each of coconut oil and grass-fed butter. I recommend using a hand whisk or an immersion blender because putting hot liquids in a blender can cause them to expand and spatter.

MCT oil is easily found online and in health food stores. I love to add my MCT oil to my smoothie for a quick and healthy breakfast. I include lots of smoothie recipes in my book, the Super Woman Rx. I’ve included one of my fave go-to recipes below! Enjoy!

Berry Bomb: In a blender, combine 1 cup coconut or almond milk (unsweetened), 2 scoops of vanilla or plain protein powder, 2 tsp MCT oil (one or a mixture of organic, unrefined coconut oil, grass-fed butter, or ghee), 1 cup of frozen mixed berries, and a ½ cup of spinach or kale (optional). Blend until smooth. Enjoy!
