Your teen is experiencing significant changes in his or her body which are responsible for the all too well-known symptoms like mood swings, acne, and irregular periods. For many, these symptoms resolve naturally, but it’s important to understand how to spot symptoms that could signal underlying issues. How do you figure out what’s a normal part of adolescent development and which symptoms might be a sign of an underlying teen hormone imbalance?  

Keep reading to learn how to build your teen’s Power Rx, or their personal prescription for health.

Teen Hormone Balance – What’s Normal?

With the onset of puberty comes an avalanche of hormones for your teenager. This can be a tricky time for both adolescents and their parents to navigate. 

Even though it can take a few years for hormones to level out a little, they can still become imbalanced due to a variety of underlying causes. 

Sometimes symptoms are visible like with delayed development, or sudden weight gain or loss, but many teenagers tend to be reluctant to share more subtle concerns like menstrual irregularity. In many cases, your teen may not even realize anything is amiss.

Hormones Changing Right Now

An influx of hormones can lead to acne, growth spurts, and a plethora of mood changes. Girls start their period and experience PMS. Boys grow rapidly, and experience new physical changes. For both genders, new hormones create a new (and sometimes confusing) internal environment.

Hormones changing rapidly during this time include:

  • Estrogen – Estrogen excess or estrogen dominance is common in today’s young women, and worsens PMS symptoms. 
  • Progesterone increases during ovulation. Low progesterone can cause anxiety, mood swings, and irregular menstrual cycles.  
  • Cortisol – Commonly known as the “stress hormone,” cortisol is very important during teenage hormone changes. Cushing’s disease is marked by excess cortisol and causes sudden weight gain, and mood changes.
  • Insulin – Responsible for maintaining healthy blood sugar, insulin resistance is common with PCOS and insulin experiences significant changes prior and during puberty (1). 
  • Thyroid hormones – The thyroid is considered the master hormone gland. Both low and high levels of thyroid hormones are problematic for adults and teens.
  • Testosterone – Both boys and girls experience changes in testosterone during puberty. For girls, androgen (male hormone) excess is a key factor in PCOS, but it can also cause other issues, including acne.

Read more: How to Reduce Hormonal Acne

Though hormones are changing quickly during the teen years, it’s important your child learns about their body and the importance of hormone health as a young adult. 

Hormones that regulate sleep, stress, mood, and menstrual cycles will continue to play a major role in their overall wellbeing for the rest of their life.

Symptoms of Teen Hormone Imbalance

Changes in hormones during the teen years can make it hard to identify what’s normal, but there are a few symptoms to keep an eye on and bring up with your child’s doctor. 

  • Periods that last longer than a week
  • Heavy menstrual bleeding (requires a pad or tampon change every 2-3 hours)
  • Severe cramping 
  • For girls, hair growth on the chin or lower belly
  • Unexplained weight gain
  • Hair loss on the head
  • Extreme fatigue
  • Dry skin
  • Puffy or rounded face
  • Changes in heart rate
  • Extreme mood swings, depression, or anxiety
  • Increased sensitivity to heat or cold

While irregular periods, mood swings, and minor acne tend to resolve on their own, the above symptoms can be signs of underlying issues like estrogen dominance, thyroid issues, endometriosis, cortisol imbalance, or PCOS. 

Related: 5 Signs of Hormone Imbalance in Women

Common Causes of Teen Hormone Imbalance

One of the most common causes of hormone imbalance in teen girls is polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS). Scientists and doctors are still working to understand what exactly causes PCOS, but it’s estimated to affect between 5 and 10 percent of women in their reproductive years. 

Learn more about PCOS and how to manage symptoms here.

A healthy, diverse microbiome is involved with manufacturing healthy hormones and moderating the body’s inflammatory response. A healthy gut is one major ally toward better hormonal balance in your teen. Beneficial bacteria in the gut help extract nutrients from food, producing thousands of beneficial metabolites that are involved in metabolic and hormone function (2). 

Gynecomastia is a condition most noticeably marked by enlarged breast tissue in males. Though not uncommon, it could indicate testosterone deficiency or estrogen excess in boys. As androgen levels rise in puberty, gynecomastia will often resolve naturally (3). But if you notice these changes in your child, it’s important to let your child’s doctor know.

7 Things You Can Do to Support Your Hormonal Teen

Adequate nutrition

Quality proteins, nutrient-dense plant foods, and healthy fats provide the vitamins, minerals, and raw materials your child’s body needs to manufacture hormones and build a healthy microbiome. 

The gut is intricately connected to every other system in the body, including the brain and hormone systems. Much of what goes on in the digestive system will affect your teen physically and mentally. 

Teach stress management

Hormonal changes can be incredibly stressful for teens, and it’s important to teach them proper coping mechanisms to help them thrive physically, emotionally, socially, and academically. 

Start by modeling healthy stress management techniques, like journaling or exercising, and make sure they have a healthy outlet for big or difficult feelings.

Related: Quick Tips to Reduce Stress Naturally

Get consistent and adequate sleep

Because your teen is going through so many changes, and often has a busy school schedule, adequate and consistent sleep is a must. During this time teens may need as much as 10 hours of sleep every night–especially if they’re experiencing a growth spurt (4).

Keep devices out of the bedroom, and stick to a consistent sleep and waking schedule each day. Do your best to help your teen keep their room clean, cool, and inviting each night to facilitate healthier sleep.

Keep an eye on device use

Many studies show that excessive use of tablets, phones, and laptops negatively impact brain function in kids, teens, and young adults. Scrolling social media can actually alter brain function and worsen mood swings, irritability, and impulse control (5). It can also cause difficulty sleeping.

Limit your kids’ screen time, allow for plenty of outside play and socialization, and don’t allow them to stay on devices late at night.

Increase healthy fats

Omega-3 fats from fish, flax, and other healthy foods play a big role in healthy hormone balance for teens, as well as reducing inflammation that drives acne.

Steer clear of inflammatory plant oils like canola, vegetable, and soy, and replace them with minimally processed fats like avocado, coconut, grass-fed ghee. Then, add an omega 3 supplement, or other fish like salmon, mackerel, or oysters about twice per week.

Reduce inflammatory foods

A recent study determined that adolescents are eating even more ultra-processed foods than adults. In fact, an average of two-thirds of their daily intake consists of what most of us would consider junk food.

Ultra-processed foods are typically high in sugar, sodium, and unhealthy fats. They’re also calorie-dense and are low in fiber and vitamins. Unfortunately, these foods can wreak havoc on developing bodies–increasing inflammation, acne, cognitive dysfunction, and even negatively impacting heart health (6).

Decrease (or omit) processed grains like snack cakes, sugary cereals, and toaster pastries. Your teen may also be sensitive to common food allergens like gluten, dairy, soy, or nuts. 

Balance Hormones Naturally with Your Teen’s Power Rx

Hormones are in a constant state of change during your child’s teenage years. This makes it that much more difficult to know which signs of teen hormonal imbalance you should keep an eye on. It can be a tumultuous few years as your child navigates this new physical and emotional territory, but parents can support this transition.

Design your teen’s own Power Rx–their personal prescription for health. Prioritize healthy foods, movement, stress relief, and adequate sleep to support healthy hormone balance in your  teen, and a smoother transition into young adulthood.

