Picking a sunscreen seems to get more confusing as new products enter the market every year. Here are my tips for sunscreen safety for your family. Don’t forget to eat for sun protection and checkout my 7 Surprising Sun Safety Tips too!


1. Pick a sunscreen with and SPF between 30-50.

2. Use about a shot glass worth of sunscreen with each application.

3. Reapply sunscreen every two-and-a-half hours and before outdoor activity.

4. Use water resistant sunscreen when headed to beach or pool.

5. Pick sunscreens with zinc oxide or avebenzone and titanium dioxide.


1. Use a spray sunscreen.

2. Use a sunscreen with an SPF higher than 50.

3. Use a sunscreen with any retinol or vitamin A products.

4. Use a sunscreen that is combined with bug repellants.

5. Use tanning oils when going out in the sun.