Spring Break – for most of us it conjures up images of a bad MTV episode or beaches filled with college students looking for a good time. Spring break is a national past time, though, with everyone from boardroom warriors to elementary students anticipating a much needed break. Regardless of your age, follow these spring break rules to have a happy and memorable spring break!

Sun Smarts

If you are headed to the beaches or the mountains, staying sun smart will protect your skin, prevent aging, and lower your risk for melanoma, a skin cancer that can often appear suddenly and unannounced. Remember to wear sunscreen with an SPF of 15 or 20 and reapply it on yourself or your children every two hours. Use protective gear including wide brimmed hats, sunglasses, and long sleeves to minimize sun exposure. Staying out of the sun during the peak sun hours of 12-4 p.m. can minimize your risk of sunburn and photo damage to your skin. The closer you are to the equator or the higher the altitude, your risk for sun damage increases, so stay sun smart during your trip.

Safety First

Safety rules can prevent a spring break disaster. Carry your cell phone fully charged, with a back-up charger for emergencies. Use life vests around bodies of water and make sure your children are doing the same. Travel in groups, or with guides to unknown places, and keep any medications you may be using locked and out of the reach of children.

Food Rules

Eating when traveling is often challenging, but following a few simple food rules can keep your trip humming no matter where you are. Eat foods high in antioxidants to protect your skin! Brightly colored fruits and vegetables can actually protect your skin from the inside out. Limit alcohol since it is often dehydrating, making it difficult to travel, ski, or simply be at the beach. Add 1-2 extra glasses of water daily during your travel to prevent altitude sickness and buffer dehydration from plane travel or heat from the sun.

Travel Aids

I love traveling, but only if I have my handy travel kit. I carry electrolyte packets to help with changes in altitude, nausea from outside food or altered sleep, and motion sickness in cars, planes or boats. Ginger lozenges are another must-have to help with travel related nausea. I also carry astragalus and slippery elm to help fight off viruses and minimize congestion.

Sleep Solutions

If you are headed to a different time zone, trying to get back to sleep can be tough – for you and your children! Epsom salts are easy to carry and smell great. In fact, they can make your entire suitcase and hotel room smell amazing. Mix 1-2 tsp. in your bath water to help relax and get some great sleep. For your children, can mix 1 tsp. in a few tsps. of olive oil or coconut oil and apply to the bottom of their feet. This will help them drift off so they can enjoy their vacation, and not be grumpy the next day. Magnesium is another easy to carry sleep remedy. Use 200 mg of magnesium before your bedtime to help get a good night’s sleep. Finally, for the entire family, use lavender oil to help everyone wind down and get a good night’s sleep!

Have a wonderful Spring Break and follow these do’s and dont’s to create memories for the whole family!