Transcript EP 296 – Healing Autoimmunity with Food with Peggy Curry

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Dr. Taz: All right, guys. I do want to bring some attention to gluten and how troublesome gluten can be for so many people. This wasn’t an issue a generation ago. It’s an escalating issue today, and we continue to hear so many people dismiss it, especially in the exam rooms, and say that gluten intolerance is not real. Inflammation from gluten intolerance is rampant. Everything from your hormones to your mental health to your joints to so many others, your gut health and everything in between can be tied back to gluten. So don’t be fooled. Just because you don’t have a digestive issue doesn’t mean you’re clear of this gluten intolerance issue. It can show up in many subtle ways.

Dr. Taz: It’s important to get checked and get evaluated. But remember, your doctors have to look in multiple kinds of avenues. You have to look at genetics. We have to look at the gut itself. We often have to look at blood testing and intolerance testing, and even allergy testing to be able to put those pieces together. Of course, you can do an elimination diet. My experience after all these years is that those are hard to stick to, and many of you get discouraged very quickly, so that’s where the data helps. So, gluten-free, there is a life after being gluten-free. There’s a great life after being gluten-free because you feel incredible. Don’t get discouraged, Peggy’s book and so many others like it are great resources to help you on that journey.

Dr. Taz: Welcome back, everyone. Welcome back to Super Woman Wellness, where our mission is to keep you guys superpowered, and that means paying a lot of attention to your food. If you guys know my story, you know that food ultimately healed me. I went on my own journey of being super sick, finding out that I had a lot of inflammation, and really when we got down to it, the very bottom of that journey, it was gluten. Gluten was causing everything from my thyroid issues, my PCOS, my hair loss, my weight gain, my joint pain, my mental health, and so much more.

Dr. Taz: So I am pleased to introduce you guys to a kindred spirit. I have Peggy Curry with me today, Peggy Curry. Peggy is actually a lifelong educator, a food entrepreneur, an author, a speaker, an award-winning health and wellness advocate, and she spent decades supporting others on their health journey. She began her career in 1995 when she launched Evie’s Garden, I hope I’m saying that right, organic marinara sauce and organic food company, which was distributed at Whole Foods Market and other grocery stores nationwide.

Dr. Taz: To further her mission of helping others live healthier, Peggy co-founded the School Garden, an nutrition education nonprofit, Growing Great, and developed a nutrition curriculum that continues to educate hundreds of thousands of students across the country in terms of making healthy food choices. And there’s still so much more work to do. Today, she’s speaking, she’s teaching, she’s writing. I’ve got this incredible book called Damn Good Gluten Free. Welcome to the show, Peggy. Thrilled to have you here, can’t wait to dive into your story.

Peggy Curry: Oh, me too. Thank you for having me.

Dr. Taz: So there’s so many amazing guests that come on this show. And before we get into all the details, I’m going to ask you a question, and then I’ll probably ask it again towards the end. But what do you think your superpower is? What keeps you superpowered?

Peggy Curry: My superpower is, I think, the time that I take going within. My superpower is my morning routine or spending time here in nature in Colorado. What that does is it energizes me in a way that nothing else has.

Dr. Taz: I love it. And that morning routine I think is gold. It’s precious. And for all of us out there trying to multitask ourselves into who knows what, I think that having sacred time is so important.

Dr. Taz: But let’s get into your story. This whole topic of nutrition, eating well, feeding our children, has escalated over the years. I think for those of us, I’ve been in this field for about 14 years, I don’t know how long you’ve been on the landscape, but a lot of us thought we were nuts in doing things like going gluten-free and thinking about your gut health and all this stuff was crazy talk, and for the woo-woos and all the other stuff. And it’s amazing and so gratifying for me to see it go mainstream. How did you get led down this path, out of curiosity?

Peggy Curry: Well, it really started just with my own health. I had severe panic disorder. I had IBS, ulcerative colitis. I’ve been with my husband, we’re both in our mid-sixties. And since we were 15 years old, 15 and 16, we’ve both had these separate ailments, his with his migraine headaches and elephantiasis, and me with my panic disorder and all these other things. So I was constantly looking because no doctor would give me any kind of help. There wasn’t really help back then. No one ever addressed nutrition, things like that. So you fast forward and then we have these four beautiful kids. We’re maintaining, I feel-

Dr. Taz: All girls, right? Every one of them.

Peggy Curry: All girls. Yes. We have four girls under the age of, well they’re all… Four within six years I had them, so I felt like I was always pregnant.

Dr. Taz: Wow. Yeah.

Peggy Curry: But the beautiful thing was that I was slowly introduced to metaphysics. I was slowly introduced to food because my mother had breast cancer. So as a teacher, an educator by trade, I was always investigating, curious, “What can I do to help myself? How can I help my mother?” And then after she passed away, almost 30 years ago, so I’ve been doing this for over 30 years, is that my kids started having symptoms. And every one of us had different symptoms, which was odd.

Peggy Curry: I had a great pediatrician. She allowed me to work with her along with a whole host of others… Back then they were called woo, trying to figure out how to remedy all these kids and their symptoms. And so, that’s really the path that kind of led me to finally realizing after I had been working with this group of celiac parents, because after teaching, I became a chef and teacher for food. And because of Growing Great, I then went into my community and branched out within the greater LA area teaching people how to eat for their health. I knew there was something in it back then, but I didn’t really realize it until my own family was so sick and I had to heal them.

Dr. Taz: And was gluten the link for everyone? Was that really kind of the key for the whole family?

Peggy Curry: Yes. And ironically, I had this group of celiac parents that I was helping with their food. And Megan had gotten so sick right before her senior year of high school. And they’re like, “Peggy, you need to all get tested.” My doctor never said that to us. And so, we all got tested. Sure enough, my husband and I both have the genetics.

Dr. Taz: Okay.

Peggy Curry: All four of our kids have the gene for gluten tolerance. Tim actually has the celiac sprue. But funny enough, Megan and I, Megan is my partner in Curry Girls Kitchen. He and I got tested first, because we exhibited the greatest of the symptoms, whether we got so sick or me with my bloating or whatever I was feeling digestively, so that’s really how we all got started. And that was, oh gosh, nearly 20 years ago.

Dr. Taz: Wow. And so, were you surprised by the celiac or the gluten diagnosis, or had you already suspected it and made some changes?

Peggy Curry: Well, we had already cut out weed, but still, you go to bed and your gallbladder is still talking to you. You’re still getting the pains and the joint pain still, because I’m thinking I’m eating a good rye bread or a sprouted wheat. And I’m thinking I’m doing my body good, but my body is still talking to me.

Peggy Curry: And so, once we were diagnosed, it was almost an answered prayer. I lost both my parents to cancer, my mom 30 years ago, my dad almost 20 years ago. And looking back now, knowing what I know from all of this and the symptoms, both my parents had symptoms. My siblings all have symptoms, and so does Tim’s family. It’s ironic, but that’s what it is. And I have a Jewish background. I was raised Jewish. Tim was raised Catholic. But the region we were both from, our ancestors, were the Ashkenazi Jew, Ashkenazi, that kind of region. So it was just really fascinating for me to be able to put all this together. And literally, once we got this diagnosis, life changed.

Dr. Taz: Wow. How long did it take for it? Was it a whole family effort or was it one person at a time?

Peggy Curry: Oh, no. So once we were diagnosed, Megan and I, I said, “Look. Obviously, we all have our different symptoms. We all need to be tested.” So the big thing for me was not by blood, but by getting tested from the bowel and your intestines. We all had it. And then, as a family, because we do these things called family meetings back when the kids were growing up.

Dr. Taz: I love that.

Peggy Curry: Every Sunday we’d have our family meetings, and then we would talk about, “Okay, how are we going to do this as a family so that you guys can… Empower them to make better choices for themselves.” And then, we all decided, “You know what? For one year, we’re going to do this for one year. We’re going to cut out gluten. We’re going to cut out dairy.” Since we know it’s all part of the same villi, right?

Peggy Curry: And so, we healed. We healed so well. But it only took about three weeks, because my husband was such a skeptic. He was the biggest skeptic. He was like, “I don’t like this.” Three weeks in, we’re out at the soccer field, and he is whispering to me, “I think it’s working.”

Dr. Taz: I love that.

Peggy Curry: You know with your joint pain, we were in our, I don’t know, late forties, early fifties, whatever. And we were getting out of bed as if we were 80-year olds.

Dr. Taz: Oh, wow.

Peggy Curry: Our joints were so painful and sore, to the point where he’s walking around the field going, “I don’t think I have any more pain.”

Dr. Taz: That is amazing.

Peggy Curry: And I’m like-

Dr. Taz: I know. The husbands are always the last ones on board. They’re just like, “Okay. Do your little thing. Spin around with your stuff.” And then all of a sudden, they’re like, “Wait. I actually feel really good.”

Peggy Curry: Right?

Dr. Taz: So I love that. But we had a similar story in our family, quite honestly, because I went through all that. I was in my… Well, I got sick in my twenties, figured it out by the time I was like 31, 32, but didn’t really have it down in terms of being gluten-free. You know what I mean? There’s a lot of trial and error and we can talk about that, too, like, “Oh, I’m doing a good job.” And you’re like, “Oh, wait. No, that’s loaded with gluten. I just messed up.”

Dr. Taz: But I went through a lot of that, had my children, so I had children a little bit later. But my son failed to thrive, and had a horrible gut, had reflux, had all these issues, which then translated into learning issues when he was little. And it took me a while to be like, “Oh my God. This kid has a gluten issue, too.” And the minute we pulled him off gluten, it took a few weeks of course, but all of a sudden he started gaining weight. And then, that had led to a lot of fat malabsorptions, and the minute we corrected that, then all of a sudden he’s learning better and he had better fine motor and all this other stuff. So the power of some of these foods and what they can and cannot do is just unmistakable.

Dr. Taz: And my favorite story to tell is my own father, who is, I think I might be taller than him. He’s 5’2″, 5’3″. But his father was six feet. His brother was over six feet. But he was kind of orphaned and abandoned, so we always thought it was just poor nutrition. But he’s got it, too. So it’s like you see it come through a family,

Dr. Taz: And generations have gone by and it’s never been identified. So again, a very similar story. So how did you guys adapt? So people out there listening, I know you guys. I have so many patients that come in and they’re like, “Please don’t tell me to take this away. Please don’t tell me to take that away. I was scared to come in here because I was afraid of what you were going to tell me.” But it doesn’t have to be bad, right?

Dr. Taz: First of all, we can talk about diagnosis. There are different ways to diagnose it, right? There’s a genetic piece that you talked about. There’s a biopsy that usually you do when you’ve had a colonoscopy and they try to identify it that way. And then there’s blood testing and stool testing and saliva testing for more IgG levels, which is looking at more intolerance testing, not true allergy, not a genetic like celiac necessarily, but an intolerance that many people seem to have.

Dr. Taz: But once you get that information, I remember in the early days of the practice, I’m like, “Oh, go gluten-free.” And people would call back crying, being like, “You don’t understand. When you just tell someone to go gluten-free, you can’t flippantly say, ‘Go gluten-free’ and think that everything’s going to be okay.” So as your family made this transition, because it sounds very much like it was a family-oriented movement, how did you guys manage? How were you able to go to teenagers and tell them this is something you need to do?

Peggy Curry: Well, my kids were literally in middle school and high school, the worst possible ages you would think. But because we had that foundation of family time, we could talk about it and really help each other out as well. But one of the things is that I was very honest. I wanted to empower my kids, because I knew back then about eating disorders or things that were very possible with young girls. And I was very careful about choosing my words, sharing information with them.

Peggy Curry: But the main thing that I did was I told them the truth, my truth, what I believed. And so, what I believed was that, and what I had read many times over, is that there’s a 70% increased risk of a degenerative disease happening if you don’t follow a gluten-free diet. Because there’s this thing, what was my aha about my mom was the layering. I saw the layering. And then later on in clients that I worked with, I saw the layering. “Oh, I can’t go gluten-free. It’s too hard.” And then months later, “I just got diagnosed with lupus or Epstein-Barr” or some other kind of autoimmune disorder.

Peggy Curry: And that’s what I call this layering. It starts in our gut, in our intestine, that whole area, because like you know, these seven systems that are like a watch. If one is missing, one part is missing, everything else is to the wind out, right? And so, that’s what I shared with my kids. I said, “Look. This is how we’re going to eat in the house. If you’re out and you’re with friends or you’re at a party and you need to do whatever you need to do, just know the repercussions. You could have repercussions.” And they would. They would start learning about when they ate certain things, they’d have a reaction. And after a while, they hated the reaction enough to stop.

Peggy Curry: And because I was a chef and teaching parents, I really developed recipes over time, which are in Damn Good Gluten Free, that they were happy with. In fact, their friends would come over and they were like, “Oh my God, I love this.”

Dr. Taz: Oh, that’s great. That’s great.

Peggy Curry: So because it was a happy thing, not what you can’t have, but “Look at all the stuff you can have.” And that’s why I present it. It’s not what we can’t, it’s what we get to eat.

Dr. Taz: I love that. I think that’s amazing, because so many people think that it’s a sentence, it’s a punishment, right? They’re not going to be a part of society anymore. And teenagers in particular, and kids really struggle, especially when pizza and goldfish and mac and cheese are kind of staples out there.

Dr. Taz: So this cookbook was born over, I’m assuming the course of all your cooking and educating and doing all your work. Talk to us about the birth of this. What was your intention with putting this together? It looks so fun. I actually opened it up the other day because I wanted to start playing in the kitchen with some of these ideas. But I love the way you’ve organized it. In the beginning, it really teaches you how to organize your kitchen, because I think that’s half the battle, right?

Peggy Curry: Yeah. Oh my gosh.

Dr. Taz: But if someone’s trying to go gluten free and they don’t know where to start, what are you hoping that they will learn from this cookbook?

Peggy Curry: So, this cookbook is the nearly 30 years of me working one-on-one, privately. I would go into people’s homes and I would reorganize their pantries. And we would look at, “What is going to help you heal? What is going to be the best benefit? What are the highest quality ingredients that are going to serve you for your whole life?”

Peggy Curry: And if you start teaching people at a young age and especially your kids, they’re going to recognize the difference between the number 10 food source versus a number three, four or five. You know what I mean? And so, I go in and I teach them how to read a label. “What’s your best crossover foods?” There’s so many things today that I can’t even tell you how blessed we are that food manufacturers did get on board.

Peggy Curry: And because I was one, I knew the companies that I wanted to align with that I knew were really high quality. And so, in the book, that’s what I’m sharing. The first thing that we’re doing, which is what I call the KIND method, kitchen improvements to nourish yourself daily, are those small increments of improvements that you can make, that over time, these habits are going to serve you so well, right? Literally, the KIND method.

Dr. Taz: Wait a minute. Kitchen improvements…

Peggy Curry: The KIND method. Yes. The KIND method. Kitchen improvements to nourish daily.

Dr. Taz: Daily. I love that.

Peggy Curry: So it’s your ingredients that matter. The things that you stock in your pantries, both your dry pantry and your refrigerator and freezers. Okay? So you set yourself up for success that way. Then the other coup de gras is, now you’re organized. Now we’re going to show you in chapter two also how to meal plan. So that’s like what you said about the book. It’s the only one I’ve ever seen is how I’ve set it up for themed weeknight dinners. So why don’t I demonstrate this little thing. I don’t know if it’s going to read the right way.

Dr. Taz: I know. That’s what I was worried about, too, but we’ll see.

Peggy Curry: I know. So what it is, is that… I don’t know if you can see it.

Dr. Taz: I can see it, yeah. No, it looks great. Yeah.

Peggy Curry: Oh, good. So Monday night was always Italian night. And all these chapters are set up. Monday night is Mediterranean Italian, Tuesday night was Southwest Mexican or taco night. Wednesday was wild fish. Thursday was veggie night, because the almighty baked potato with food combined, right? And then Friday was one pot. Like I said, I’m Jewish, my husband’s Catholic. We celebrated Shabbat. And right before the football game, all the kids would come over. They’d have this big meal with us and it’d be great. And then on the weekends, the weekends were pizza night, burgers. But of course in the book, there’s all these other recipes on the weekends that you can make. But I wanted to simplify it for myself.

Dr. Taz: Yeah. I love that.

Peggy Curry: When you have four kids, and you’re running around because they’re all very athletic, right? And I’m running and going and doing, and then I’m also teaching parents. I needed to make my life in a way that was easy. And I prioritized food. Food was an important thing for us, especially once we were diagnosed gluten-free, as was the family table. That family table was huge, because of setting that foundation with your family and really building trust, learning how to communicate with one another, sharing your feelings. It was our hub. Every night we met there.

Dr. Taz: I love that. I think one of the things that I’m trying so hard to do, because mine are now 13 and 14, and with their activities that sometimes keep… I hate that. I almost wish there was a universal law that all activities needed to be done by this time so a family could come together and congregate. But my son has soccer practice, won’t be home until 8:30, daughter’s going off to tennis, won’t be home till 6:00. And so, everyone’s doing a lot of this. But what I’ve sort of put into place too, because otherwise you can literally be passing ships through the night and have no relationship with these guys, and then they’re gone. So I said, “Even if you’ve eaten, you have to come down and sit with us for X amount of time. You could sit there silently if you choose to, but you have to come and sit with us, because we have to have a little bit of communion before we move on to another day.”

Dr. Taz: But that family dinner, I do see the values of meal prep and playing with food. And both of them, my son loves to get in there and cook. He’s pulling recipes and doing all this other stuff. My daughter does the same thing. So I do see that value in them, so they’ve absorbed some of it, right? But I am struggling personally a little bit with trying to maintain this unit as people’s activities and our careers and everything else continue to pull at us. But it’s good to hear that it can be done, because you’ve had four and been through that.

Peggy Curry: And just remember, every bit counts, because the intention is there. And even when I would go and drive and pick them up, I’d have a fast food wrap for them to eat. And then they come home, whatever else is for dinner, they sit down. But it’s still that effort that they appreciate.

Dr. Taz: Yeah. I love that. Well, and I love that you’ve organized this cookbook by day. I don’t think I’ve seen a cookbook organized that way before, because that is how mothers think. That’s how we think, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday. And I actually am going to follow this, because I think that’s amazing to think that way and take… Again, it’s not cooking that so many people hate that I hear, it’s more, it’s the planning and what we make and how to get in there and all that other good stuff.

Dr. Taz: But let’s go back to the idea, and I want to ask you another question. Let’s say someone starts out gluten-free, new journey, where do you advise them to begin? What would their first three steps be?

Peggy Curry: I love this question. So the first step would be to understand you’re not alone, that there’s so many people out here in the cyber world now that’s here to help you. So for me, the first step would be okay, attitude is everything, your perspective, how you model to… Let’s say you have this family or maybe it’s a child that’s been diagnosed. It’s really looking at it in a way of, “Wow. This is a gift, not something bad.” Because it’s, to me, life saving. So it’s attitude, number one, to accept it.

Peggy Curry: And then, number two is how are you going to embrace it? So you’ve got to learn some things. And that’s why I wrote this book, very succinctly in a way, because I was a special ed school teacher. My brain works for kids really, but to make it really for the layperson that like you said before, the doctor says, “Here, go gluten-free,” and you’re like, “What the heck am I supposed to be doing now?” So it’s understanding which foods are going to be benefiting you, that are going to actually heal you. So knowledge is a lot. So acceptance, knowledge.

Peggy Curry: And I think the third one would be commitment.

Dr. Taz: Acceptance, knowledge, and commitment.

Peggy Curry: I think committing to something that is so important, food. There’s all this research now. I don’t know if you’ve been following Dr. Li and his latest book Eat to Beat Cancer, and all these things that research has now caught up to, that this is important to pay attention to. It’s important to share with your family. And it’s important to embrace something that you’ve been given, not dealt.

Peggy Curry: And that was the one thing that I think for me, I prayed. I said, “God, I don’t need cancer in this lifetime. Both my parents died of it. I want to do something that I could actually teach others.” And to me, it was a gift. So I look at it in a way of embracing it. And then getting help, getting support.

Dr. Taz: I like that.

Peggy Curry: Which is what Megan and I have done all these years.

Dr. Taz: I like that. Now when someone is told that they need to be gluten-free, does that mean no bread, no pizza, no pasta forever?

Peggy Curry: A hundred percent no way, because today, again, depending on where you live. So in LA, there’s all these new artisan bakeries. There’s beautiful breads that you can get online or in the markets now today. But you can also learn to bake if you want. There’s incredible bakers out there with books. Aran Goyoaga has these incredible… Last year was all about sourdough bread. And it’s like, literally my kids are like, “Oh my gosh, there’s nothing we can’t have anymore.” Even the almighty croissant. It’s so cool. So it really is, there’s no living without anymore. If you truly want it, there is a good version.

Dr. Taz: Are there certain flours that you’ve found work really well in terms of bread and croissants and stuff like that? What are your favorites?

Peggy Curry: Yeah. So I don’t bake a croissant because that’s too technical, but I’ve baked bread. Even in the book, there’s a super simple bread recipe using a mix. And it’s from my favorite company, which is Pamela’s, Pamela’s Products.

Dr. Taz: Oh, yeah. I’ve seen Pamela’s. That’s a good one.

Peggy Curry: Yes. And the thing about products that I love is that I’m looking for something that’s not only beneficial, but good taste. If something doesn’t taste good, who’s going to want to eat it? Right?

Dr. Taz: Right.

Peggy Curry: So that’s where all of these recipes have come into play is that they taste good and they’re not so hard to make.

Dr. Taz: Oh my gosh. I love that. Well, these are all great tips, but you mentioned numbering foods, like a number 10 food source, a number three food source. Talk to me about that. What is that?

Peggy Curry: So once you’ve been, let’s say, diagnosed gluten intolerant, you’re healing your body. You’re healing it in a way that you want to start putting number 10 food sources in. So those number tens are your whole, close to the source, minimally processed foods, a whole roasted chicken. My kids would come home on Tuesdays because that was my market day, and then I’d let them pick apart the chicken, eat some, and then we’d make fajitas with it. So it’s like they would have that. I’d bake something using the best possible ingredients that didn’t have additives, didn’t have dyes and fake things in it or things that you couldn’t even read, right? But the other thing is, is that a number one food source is going to be loaded with, let’s say, all those things that aren’t good for our body.

Peggy Curry: But the other thing is how is it grown? So even a whole food that’s grown, let’s take the almighty strawberry. It’s loaded with chemicals and pesticides and things like that. My kids used to want to go to a juice place, and they’d get that big juice cup of strawberry smoothie. And I would yell at them. I’m like, “How come you’re not making organic strawberries?” So you can imagine the pounds of pesticides in that big drink that they’re thinking is really great, but because it wasn’t organic, they’re also drinking the pesticides. So that’s the difference between a 10 whole, close to the source food.

Peggy Curry: And then, when you look at your packaged, highly processed, highly fried foods, you also have your detrimental fats that really wreak havoc on our organs, like your liver and all those things. So your number one food source is highly fried. It’s highly processed with all kinds of additives in it.

Peggy Curry: So that’s the spectrum of a one to two to three, five is in the middle. That’s also in the book as well, that spectrum. We’re aiming to have number 10 during our healing. And then you get to play between 10 and five. There’s also a whole chapter on treats. We all know chocolate is good for us, right?

Dr. Taz: Of course.

Peggy Curry: Right. And so, it’s learning which sugars are going to be more beneficial than cane sugar and what’s not going to spike your blood sugar, our insulin. And so, it’s really, again, all of that explanation of being choosy of what you’re putting in your body. And so, I look at it like this is our star food, that big basket of farm fresh, seasonal, locally grown vegetables that are going to serve your body to make your cells happy.

Dr. Taz: I love that. These are all such great tips. I love this cookbook so much. Where is this book available? Everywhere books are sold? Did it come out…

Peggy Curry: So yes. So you can order it at a Barnes and Noble. You can order it or they have it at your local independent bookstores. It is available on Amazon, both in a hard copy and in a Kindle version.

Dr. Taz: Oh, I love that.

Peggy Curry: So depending on your preference.

Dr. Taz: That’s amazing. Well, for so many people that get the diagnosis or suspect they need to go gluten-free, they have symptoms of inflammation, brain fog, rashes, fatigue, joint pain, weight gain, you name it. We can go on forever here. This is a great starting point. This is really where getting your kitchen together, getting your pantry together, thinking through a little bit ahead of time of what food might look like for the week for your family and then getting your kids on board, I know is always a question so many of you ask me. But it is possible. I’m here to talk about it. Peggy’s here to talk about it. Just realize that it can be done, but it is slow, incremental change. Sometimes it’s hard to go in and wipe everything off, but making these switches until everyone’s acclimated often works, unless you’re trying to heal a disease. If you’re trying to heal a disease, then you do have to kind of take the big hammer approach. Peggy, any kind of last words to everybody listening today?

Peggy Curry: Oh, I love it. Yeah. So is where they can find my daughter and me. We have Instagram, Facebook. We have a whole host of videos on YouTube of Curry Girls Kitchen. We also have a podcast called Make Life Delicious, talking about life and how we started all of this. TikTok. So we have all of those platforms to serve you as well as our newly designed website with a lot of recipes. And you can also DM us for your questions, for your help. We’re coaches. Megan is a Functional Medicine Coach, so we really look at that. And also, what’s great with the book, is we have a video course called Damn Good in the Kitchen that helps doctors help their patients.

Dr. Taz: I love it.

Peggy Curry: Set themselves up in the kitchen, and it’s a really fun video course.

Dr. Taz: Yeah. That’s great. I’ll have to check that out for sure.

Peggy Curry: It’s so fun.

Dr. Taz: Wonderful. Well, thank you so much for taking time out today to join us. Now I asked you in the beginning what your superpower was, you said it’s your morning routine. When life gets crazy though, how do you maintain that?

Peggy Curry: Oh. Well, one, I breathe. One, I will definitely kind of slow things down, take stock of what’s going on so that I can come and react in a way that’s serving both myself and the person where the craziness is happening.

Dr. Taz: Oh I love that. Oh my gosh, we’ve got to end on that note. I love that uplifting, positive note. Thank you, Peggy, for taking time out to join us. The book is Damn Good Gluten Free. And for those of you who are trying to go gluten-free or understand what this whole gluten-free business is all about, this is a great resource. I highly recommend it.

Dr. Taz: And I hope to see you on one of my next episodes. Don’t forget to rate and review it and share it with your friends. I’m on Spotify, Apple iTunes, iHeartRadio. Share it, and if you post a review, I’ll send you a free bottle of Boost. I’ll see you guys next time.