Light and airy buckwheat crepes are topped with sweet strawberries and a dollop of coconut cream or yogurt. This dessert is sure to put a smile on anyone’s face, but it is a real find for those working to manage candida overgrowth.

Candida is a yeast-like fungus found naturally in the gut. When there is an overgrowth of Candida it can wreak havoc on the digestive system causing symptoms such as:

  • Abdominal pain
  • Fatigue (especially after eating)
  • Bloating
  • Sugar cravings (Candida feeds on sugar)
  • Brain fog
  • Joint pain
  • Constipation

Candidiasis can be diagnosed by the symptoms or, more commonly, through integrative testing.

If digestive symptoms rule your day, learn more about my comprehensive formula, Belly Fix.

For my patients struggling with Candidiasis, we immediately limit sugar (including limiting fruits to 2 servings per day), lower dairy to a maximum of 1 serving a day, and add beneficial probiotics, such as S. boulardii, and a berberine supplement.

White flour, refined carbohydrates and alcohol are also reduced/eliminated. After a 3-4 day detox period (during which time you may experience “die-off” symptoms) patients report increased energy, less cravings and mood swings, as well as an increase in mental clarity and even memory.

Once you experience life “on the other side of Candida”, it becomes much easier to stick to the diet for a more extended period of time. While a Candida cleanse can seem restrictive at first, it can also be a delicious way to fuel your body and discover new and delicious recipes, like these crepes! Bon appétit!

Buckwheat Dessert Crepes with Strawberries and Cream

Recipe Makes 12 gluten-free crepes

  • 2 cups coconut milk
  • 2 tablespoons coconut oil for the batter + a little for cooking the crepes
  • 6 eggs
  • 1 ¼ cup buckwheat flour
  • ½ teaspoon stevia (optional, this is a good brand)
  • pinch of unrefined sea salt
  • strawberries and coconut cream or yogurt for serving


  1. Blend the ingredients (except for the strawberries and cream) in a blender until well mixed.
  2. Heat a 7-inch cast iron skillet over medium heat (any larger and the crepes will be hard to flip). Add a small amount of coconut oil to the pan to prepare it for your first pancake. Ladle ⅓ cup of batter (a scant ladle full) into the skillet and swirl it around until it covers the bottom of the pan and starts to set. Allow it to cook for about a minute, maybe less. Keep an eye on it.
  3. Once the first side is done, use a spatula to loosen it off the pan and confidently flip it over. Let it cook for 15-30 seconds, until golden. Repeat until your batter is done. Swirl the batter in the blender from time to time to keep the flour from settling.
  4. If your pan starts looking a little dry, add some more coconut oil in between the pancakes. The heat may need to be adjusted occasionally as the pan will get increasingly hot throughout the cooking.
  5. Serve the crepes with strawberries and cream or plain yogurt sweetened with a little stevia (approximately ¼ teaspoon powdered stevia – the equivalent of ½ teaspoon sugar – per ¼ cup cream or yogurt).

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