You’re in your mid-thirties and perimenopause is knocking at your door. You’ve read all about perimenopause weight gain, the mood swings, the crashes in libido, but you don’t want to lose control of the hormones that are keeping you looking and feeling your best. It’s concept that should be talked about more–hormonal aging.
The fact is, what ages you most happens on the inside before you notice the side effects on the outside. Hormone shifts start to happen as early as 35! And in the midst of environmental toxins, processed foods, and high stress, accelerated hormonal aging is rampant.
So if there was a way to slow down the onset of perimenopause and delay these hormonal shifts, wouldn’t you jump right in?
Aging happens, but what’s normal?
First, it’s important to remember that perimenopause is a normal and natural biological process. It happens to every woman, and it’s not something to fear. Far from being the boogeyman of the modern woman, these hormonal changes signify a new and transformational chapter in our lives.
The hormones estrogen and progesterone usually start to become a little irregular starting in a woman’s mid-30s. At this point, you probably won’t notice any obvious symptoms, but hormonal changes are beginning to happen. Most women start to report symptoms of perimenopause (or menopause) in their early 40s.
I always make sure my patients know that as they get older, they can continue their great energy levels and vitality they’ve always had (or even more), but how they take care of their body is that much more important.
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What drives the aging process?
A drop in hormones is what influences much of the aging process–a type of hormonal aging. Plus, take into account environmental toxins, endocrine disruptors, stress, and a less-than-great diet, and you have the perfect storm for premature aging.
So, why then do some women age so gracefully, and others of us feel like a dried out husk so much earlier? Could there actually be something these women are doing that makes them age so well? Have they found the fountain of youth?
Fortunately, there’s no magic involved, but hormonal aging is often what regulates your toned figure, glowing skin, and just the overall zest for life. And we’d like to maintain those feelings as long as possible.
Related: Top 5 Antioxidant Foods for Glowing Skin
How can I slow down aging?
Various factors including inadequate nutrition and poor sleep can cause premature aging or accelerate signs of aging. And while perimenopause causes side effects like irregular menstrual cycles or unexpected sleep disturbances, there are some things you can do to make this process a lot less disruptive.
Just like PMS, pain and discomfort is usually the outward sign of an internal imbalance. In this case, it’s a hormonal imbalance. Symptoms of perimenopause that are really affecting your quality of life are a sign that something can be brought back into balance, like:
- Diet
- Antioxidant consumption
- Stress
- Sleep
- Movement and exercise
- Relationships and community
In your 30s, these factors become so much more important to keep you feeling great. You’ve likely noticed you can’t get away with as many late nights or take out dinners as you did in your 20s!
Maintaining an active and well-rounded lifestyle helps delay signs of accelerated aging and hormonal aging.
Need daily hormone support? Learn more about Hormone Helper>>>
Hormones in your mid-30s
Perimenopause doesn’t get as much attention as menopause itself, which makes it that much more important to spot the sometimes small changes that mean it’s happening.
If you can do that, it’s much easier to address these hormonal symptoms earlier rather than later.
What’s perimenopause?
Perimenopause is a totally natural process, and it’s supposed to happen. But it’s also supposed to be a very gradual process–over the course years (and sometimes as long as a decade) (1). Early perimenopause, or when it happens very fast, can often create unpleasant symptoms that make your metabolism slow down, your energy crash, and your libido be nonexistent.
Related: Is it Perimenopause or a Thyroid Problem?
Why don’t diets work to get rid of belly fat right now?
One of the more common questions I get from my patients at this age is, “How can I lose this weight?” And they’re usually referring to the extra weight they’re having unusual trouble losing around their midsection.
Calorie-restriction, extra cardio, and food elimination often don’t address the root cause of belly fat right now–because it’s driven by that change in hormones.
Long story short: support hormone balance and work on reducing stress, and you’ll have a better chance of getting rid of the stored belly fat.
To get to the root of stubborn belly fat, learn more about balancing your gut and finding the right foods.
The Signs of Premature Aging
The most obvious and common differences you’ll be able to spot are changes in your period. Often, things get worse–not better. You might notice more PMS, painful breasts beforehand, a heavier flow, or even a change in the color (I know, it’s not a glamorous subject to talk about, but it’s the reason you should always be familiar with what’s normal for your body).
Other things that might happen are difficulty sleeping, waking up in the middle of the night, a resurgence in acne, and more weight gain–especially around your belly.
These signs probably won’t bother you very much initially (except the acne breakouts), until they start to progress a little more, or more of them show up together.
At this point, it’s usually when women start to say, “it’s just a normal part of getting older!” but hormone health would suggest otherwise.
It’s actually very important what your normal daily health routines look like that will determine how you look and feel during this time when hormones begin to shift slightly. The less healthy you are, the more you’ll likely feel the effects of imbalanced hormones earlier and more severely.
Read more: How to Reduce Hormonal Acne
What causes this decline in hormonal health?
Take stock of your daily life and your routine.
- Do you often choose other activities over sleep?
- Are you exposed to a lot of endocrine disrupting compounds in your water or personal care products?
- How is your diet overall?
- Do you experience high amounts of stress?
These are just a few questions that may shed some light on the state of your hormonal age and areas where there’s lots of opportunities to improve.
Lifestyle choices and your diet can deplete you of the very things you need to maintain your youthful glow over time. Stress contributes to nutrient depletion, as do things like the birth control pill and a poor diet.
Often, we neglect the fact that our small daily decisions do compound over time, but that’s exactly why it’s so easy to start to change them. With these tips, you can halt premature perimenopause and prevent accelerated hormonal aging.
What can you do to reverse accelerated aging?
Find a holistic or integrative doctor you trust.
Many people wait until they need help with their health to find a holistic practitioner to work with. And if you’re already in the thick of perimenopause–that’s ok! Finding a doctor is the best first step.
Working with a holistic doctor will help you learn about your hormonal changes over time. If you haven’t noticed any changes yet, it’s a great time to help you and your doctor better understand what’s normal for your body, so that if anything does deviate from the norm, it’ll be easier to track changes from a healthy baseline. So start as early as you can. If you have a teen daughter, take her too!
If you’re already in perimenopause, don’t hesitate to ask for a full hormone panel–or have a discussion about which hormones could be causing problems for you right now. Estrogen, thyroid hormones, progesterone, and cortisol are a few of the main hormones that may be causing you some issues in your 30s–especially if you’re often stressed (or have kids!)
Slow down hormonal aging naturally
What you choose to fuel your body is one of the most influential decisions you make several times a day. High-sugar, low protein, processed carbs, and constant snacking put many people on the fast track to accelerated aging and poor hormone health. And unfortunately, it’s a chronic problem I see often in practice.
Upping your protein, and focusing on healthy fats like avocado, coconut, nuts & seeds, and ghee or butter is a great way to fuel adrenal gland in your 30s that need a little extra help. And of course, adding a rainbow of vegetables, and cruciferous veggies like broccoli and cauliflower help to balance estrogen detox, which can also help with some perimenopause symptoms by giving harmful estrogen metabolites a pathway out of your body.
Evening primrose oil and maca root may also be beneficial. Maca root has been shown in animal and human studies to stimulate the release of luteinizing hormone, which prompts hormone production in the ovaries (2). Evening primrose supports overall hormone health and estrogen levels.
You can find maca root, plus other hormone-balancing ingredients in Hormone Helper.
Stress reduction is a big factor for slowing down aging as well. High stress can wreak havoc on your mood, your period, and even your skin! This is because cortisol gets in the way of healthy collagen formation–the protein that keeps your skin looking smooth and hydrated.
Whether it’s yoga, a red light sauna, or weekly girls nights, prioritizing activities that fill your cup is an important part to protecting your hormone balance–especially in your 30s!
Keep reading: What to Expect During Perimenopause
You’re in control of your hormone health
Taking back control of my health was the best thing I’ve ever done for my wellbeing–and I’m still reaping those benefits today! Even though hormone changes are completely natural, we can slow down the process of accelerated hormonal aging with the choices we make every day.
Find your power type for expert guidance on how to eat better, exercise more efficiently, meditate effortlessly, get the most from every workout session–and develop healthy habits that will keep you feeling vibrant!