Hair loss is a devastating issue affecting over 30 million women in the US. It can massively impact on confidence and self-esteem – and whilst some contemporary remedies do work effectively, many only work for as long as you use them, leaving the root cause of the hair loss unexposed and untreated.

The ancient principles of Ayurveda may hold the key to halting hair loss for good

In Ayurvedic medicine there is a multitude of time-honored remedies to help maintain strong, luscious locks. As is always the case within the preventative Ayurvedic healthcare system, the root cause of hair loss is usually related to other aspects of the body, and therefore is treated holistically.

Reversing hair loss depends on balancing your doshas, easing dosha-specific complaints such as greasy roots (Kapha), hair fall (Pitta) and breakage (Vata). But there are also a variety of targeted time-honored treatments you can apply to start to rebuild and restore healthier hair right now.

Scalp oiling

Oiling is a treatment of major importance in Ayurvedic medicine. Oils are used in various different ways internally and externally, including in the mouth, nostrils and on the skin and hair. Scalp oiling involves creating a unique blend of Ayurvedic oils that are then applied to the head and allowed to soak into the hair and skin. Using a nourishing blend of botanical oils including Bhringraj, Amla and Cumin Seed, Ayurveda practitioners pour the warm oil over the forehead and typically follow with a massage to work it into the scalp and hair strands.

Massage and combing (Shiro Abhyanga)

Scalp massage and combing go hand in hand with oiling, as often the two are combined with powerful results. Through strategic massage and combing of the scalp it’s possible to increase blood circulation to the hair follicles, bringing with it the nourishment they need to stay healthy and strong.

Using Ayurvedic oils further enhances the benefits of scalp massage, as they nourish and condition the strands of the hair and sink into the scalp for added nutrition.

Nourish from within

Without adequate nutrition, your body cannot produce healthy hair. Vitamin deficiencies are often behind thinning hair, so assessing your diet is one of the first things an Ayurvedic practitioner will do.

Ideally you should eat for your dosha type, but if you don’t know your dosha type or want an easy fix, first look at the quality of your diet and focus on the basics. Hair loss is usually a sign of deficiencies in iron, magnesium, zinc, protein and vitamins A, B, C D and K. Concentrate on introducing high protein whole foods into your diet and avoid refined, processed sugary foods. You may like to supplement with collagen, B vitamins and zinc – but be sure to consult with your medical practitioner before introducing any supplements to your diet.

Some hair-loving foods to introduce into your diet include:

Leafy greens: Spinach, kale, collard greens are rich in iron and vitamins A C and E – all essentials for healthy hair growth.

Cucumbers: Cucumbers contain silica and sulphur – both often neglected but key ingredients for healthy hair. They are also abundant in vitamins A and C.

Coriander: Coriander (or cilantro) is abundant in manganese, magnesium and iron as well as vitamins C and K. Including generous lashings of freshly chopped coriander to your diet each day (mixed into salads, as an added smoothie ingredient or as a topping curries, fish, meat and vegetables) can help to prevent hair fall and strengthen hair follicles.

Yogurt: Whole milk, unprocessed natural yogurt is rich in probiotics, hair growth enhancing vitamins and lactic acid, which can help to replenish dry, damaged hair.

Nuts and seeds: Nuts and seeds are a great source of zinc, selenium and omega-3 fatty acids – all essential for healthy hair growth. Almonds and brazil nuts can be incorporated as a quick snack – and flax and chia seeds can be added to smoothies and salads for extra nutrition.

If your diet is already super healthy, pay attention also to your gut health – as issues in the gut can prevent nutrient absorption.

Hydration is key

Healthy hair, like healthy skin, is influenced by our hydration levels. As well as keeping the scalp and strands sell moisturised, be sure to drink plenty of water to nourish beautifully long, strong hair from within. Staying hydrated also means changing certain habits – like excessive caffeine consumption which can cause dehydration. Avoid caffeine completely, cut down to just one or two cups of coffee a day or replace with tea for a more gentle dose.

Eliminate toxins

If you smoke, drink alcohol on a regular basis or live in a highly polluted environment such as a big city, your skin and hair are being exposed to an elevated amount of toxins which could harm hair growth and impact on its health. Smoking and alcohol can damage DNA, impairing the development of healthy hair strands.

The first step here is to explore ways in which you can eliminate the habits that are impacting on hair health such as smoking and drinking. If you live in a busy city you can’t relocate for the sake of your hair of course, but you can mitigate the effects of the pollution with regular hair rinses and supplements.

Adaptogens and other healing herbs used in Ayurveda can help your body to better deal with the impact of oxidative stress and the processing and elimination of toxins (lymphatic drainage).

Employ relaxation techniques

Although not strictly an Ayurvedic remedy, taking time for relaxation out of your daily schedule is essential for most people struggling with hair loss. Stress is one of the leading causes of hair loss alongside hormonal imbalance and genetics, so it’s important to treat this alongside any physical causes or symptoms.

Ayurveda does not just concern itself with the body – but also with mind and spirit, so certain branches of Ayurveda concentrate on nurturing a healthy emotional state. Introduce a gentle yoga or breathwork practice into your day, or try meditation to help bring down your stress levels and promote a feeling of calm and enhanced wellbeing. Ensure you are getting a proper night’s sleep and introduce movement and exercise daily to keep stress at bay.

Naturally treating hair loss with Ayurveda

If you’re keen to try some of the methods outlined above, but are not sure where to start, begin with just one or two. Start with the ones that will be easiest to incorporate into your lifestyle first – these can then quickly become good habits which you can add to your daily routine.

For personalized, professional advice and attention I always recommend seeing an integrative physician with Ayurvedic experience. They can determine your prakriti, or dosha type, and put together a treatment plan uniquely designed for you and your concerns.

Also remember that as hair tends to grow at different rates, but on average a quarter of an inch per month, your results initially may feel slow. Don’t give up. After 6-8 weeks you should start to see regrowth in thinning areas, or less hair fall or breakage when brushing and styling. Consistency is key here – little efforts each day and lifestyle changes will make a difference.