There are hundreds, perhaps closer to thousands of healing herbs that can work wonders for our health, whether we are maintaining our wellbeing, recovering from illness or want to achieve a specific goal. But just as there are lots of herbs to choose from, there are different ways we can choose to administer them, too.

Consistency is key when it comes to harnessing the health benefits of herbs, so finding a delivery method you can keep up with daily is vital. Everyone is different, so what works for one person may not work for another. Fortunately herbs are incredibly versatile, and can be incorporated into our daily routine in a number of ways.

Drink herbal teas and tonics

Teas and infusions are a tasty and warming way to introduce herbs into your daily routine. In Ayurveda we often use teas and tonics in conjunction with personalized treatment plans for patients. If you already consume several hot drinks a day, try replacing just one or two of them with an herbal alternative. The warmth of the tea itself also has benefits for body and mind – from calming the nervous system to boosting circulation and supporting digestive health.

Take supplements

Taking supplements is perhaps one of the most popular ways to benefit from the healing powers of herbs. It’s quick, easy and convenient to pop a pill each morning or evening – so it’s not difficult to see why supplements are so prevalent. Whether in tablet or powdered format, you can easily incorporate them into your daily routine whether adding to smoothies or juices or taking capsules at certain times throughout the day. Be aware though that not all supplements are created equally – and there are many on the market that contain bulking agents, fillers and other potentially harmful additives. Be sure to conduct due diligence and check out a company’s credentials and the origins of its ingredients for purity and quality before purchasing.

Cook with herbs

Herbs are one of the fastest and easiest ways to add flavour to dishes – but did you know that we can reap their benefits through adding them to our meals, too? Some herbs can be eaten raw, such as coriander, parsley and mint. Add to salads or sprinkle onto cooked food for added flavour. Powdered herbs can be added to smoothies and raw desserts for an added boost.

Try herbal beauty products

The skin’s sophisticated barrier absorbs and protects simultaneously – so it’s possible to enjoy the benefits of herbs and plant medicines through using certain beauty products. Certain creams and oils contain active ingredients designed to sink directly into the skin and enter the bloodstream. Some CBD brands have even developed skin patches to for those who are intolerant to taking supplements orally. As is the case with supplements, it’s important to select good quality products that are organic and pure, formulated without added chemicals or harmful ingredients.

Massage with herbs

Massage (known as abhyanga in Ayurveda) is deeply relaxing and stimulates circulation – but it can also serve as a vessel for delivering the health-enhancing properties of herbs. In Ayurveda, the oils we use for massage are just as important as the massage itself, as the blend is designed to sink into the skin and offer support for the presenting concern. Common herbs found in Ayurvedic massage oils include Brahmi, Amla and Bhringaraja.

Essential oils

Essential oils are an easy but often neglected way to harness the power of herbs. During the distillation process the scents of the herbs, which themselves contain chemical compounds with healing properties, are intensified. This enables us to benefit just by inhaling the scent of the oil, either directly, on a pillow or pomander or through massage in a carrier oil.

What’s the best way to introduce herbs into my daily routine?

There are so many ways to access the healing properties of herbs – so sometimes it’s worth taking a trial and error approach to see which methods suit you best. If you have a specific concern or medical complaint, it’s always best to consult with a holistically trained MD who can professionally support you with a personalized treatment pathway.