Hormonal imbalance is becoming increasingly prevalent amongst women in the West, affecting more than 60% of the female US population (although some estimates suggest up to 80% are affected). From weight gain and hot flashes to hair loss and disrupted sleep, symptoms can be experienced on a spectrum and often mimic other ailments or general feelings of ill health, making hormonal imbalance hard to self-identify.

Why is hormonal imbalance becoming more common?

Modern lifestyles certainly have a role to play when it comes to the health of our hormones. Hormone levels do naturally fluctuate throughout our lives, but sometimes the balance is more severely affected, and this is becoming more common amongst younger women.

So what’s behind the rise in imbalanced hormone levels? Stressful, busy lifestyles, massive pressure financially and societally on young women, coupled with the food we eat and the products we use can all amount to a disruption in our natural rhythm.

What are the symptoms of hormonal imbalance?

Symptoms of hormonal imbalance vary from person to person, but common symptoms include:

*Painful, heavy periods

*Mood swings

*Insomnia and/or poor-quality sleep


*Weight gain

*Mood swings

*Low libido


Diet and nutrition

Nutrition and diet play a huge role in maintaining a healthy balance of hormones in the body. Modern diets high in processed and refined foods directly influence hormone levels as they are often abundant in added hormones or synthetic hormones, along with sugars, fats and chemical ingredients that can harm our health.

Red meat and processed meat products are amongst the most common culprits behind hormonal imbalance, thanks to high levels of saturated fats and added hormones given to animals in intensive farming settings. Swap for lean meat such as organic, grass-fed chicken, eggs and wild-caught fish high in healthy fats. Cooking with coconut oil or ghee and eating a rainbow of plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables also helps to properly nourish and support the body.

The effects of a poor diet aren’t only limited to what we eat – what we drink plays a role, too. Limit alcohol and caffeine consumption, swapping them out for herbal teas and filtered water instead.

Poor gut health

Gut health is something we often neglect or forget about – but it is of major importance for our overall health, and it plays a particularly crucial role in hormonal balance. The bacteria in our gut responsible for regulating and metabolising estrogen is collectively known as the Estrobolome. When this bacteria is affected or imbalanced, it can directly affect the delicate equilibrium of hormones in the body and cause common symptoms of disrupted estrogen levels, such as an impact on

weight, mood and libido. Poor gut health also prevents us from absorbing essential nutrients from the food we eat, which can further exacerbate the imbalance.

Improving gut health isn’t as simple as taking probiotics, or changing your diet – but both of these can help significantly. If you suspect that you gut health is imbalanced or affected, speak to a holistically trained medical professional to get to the bottom of the cause and start treatment to help re-establish a healthy gut microbiome.

Disrupted sleep

The quality of our sleep can have a direct impact on hormone health. When we don’t get enough good quality sleep, the effect on our bodies is similar to the impact of stress, as exhaustion and fatigue triggers a stress response. Poor sleep may also cause you to reach for those unhealthy habits, like caffeine and alcohol consumption and processed foods.

Practice good sleep hygiene, such as limiting screen time for at least an hour before getting into bed, and keeping your room at a cooler temperature. Herbal teas and supplements may also help. Insomnia is a key symptom of hormonal imbalance, so it may be necessary to address the symptoms first to start to alleviate your sleep issues.


Stress is a majorly disruptive influence on the body – and frustratingly it can be one of the hardest things to treat and prevent. When we are stressed, the body produces the stress hormone cortisol in response, which throws our other hormones out of balance and causes levels to fluctuate. Cortisol results in increased anxiety, weight gain and diminished focus, with significant long-term affects observed in those with chronically high cortisol levels.

Although managing and minimizing stress isn’t as simple as popping a pill or cutting something out of your diet, it’s important to get on top of high stress levels before they become habitual. Stress-reducing activities and strategies such as meditation, yoga, deep breathing and supplements can help to decrease anxiety and the impact of a hectic lifestyle. You may find you need to take more decisive action, such as setting boundaries at work or getting help around the house. Reducing chronic stress is incredibly important for our overall health as well as hormonal balance, so it’s worth investing time and energy on helping to bring more calm and relaxation into your life.

Endocrine disruptors

Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals, or EDCs, are chemicals that affect the function of the endocrine system. They are much more common than you may think and can be found in various everyday products including household cleaners, beauty products, plastic bottles and cookware. They are even in many of the foods we eat as they are often found in pesticides and animal feeds. EDCs can increase or decrease hormone levels, causing imbalance. They can also alter hormone sensitivities or mimic real hormones, ‘tricking’ the body into imbalance.

To avoid EDCs, start by eliminating toxic products from your home. Look for natural alternatives that only contain safe, non-toxic ingredients. Getting rid of EDCs in your life altogether may not be possible, but removing them step by step could help you to avoid or improve hormonal imbalance.

Holistic support for better hormone health

Whilst it’s useful to know what to look out for when protecting your hormonal health, it’s also key to have strategies in place to help you redress the balance and improve your wellbeing. If you suspect serious imbalance of have been experiencing symptoms for some time, be sure to consult with a specialist MD with holistic qualifications who can diagnose and treat the root cause of your health issue, not just the symptoms you are experiencing.