Going green is no easy task. With new studies coming out almost daily of toxic chemicals that reside in our home, our cleaning supplies and even our water bottles, it’s no wonder the journey to green living feels like a long and treacherous voyage. Let me help ease the headache of endless research and begin with a simple first step: house plants! Going green is no easy task. With new studies coming out almost daily of toxic chemicals that reside in our home, our cleaning supplies and even our water bottles – it’s no wonder the journey to green living feels like a long and treacherous voyage.  Let me help ease the headache of endless research and begin with a simple first step: house plants! What’s the best part? They require little maintenance and are fuss-free! We all know that plants breathe in carbon dioxide and release oxygen for us to breathe, but here are a few things you might not know:

What’s the best part? They require little maintenance and are fuss-free! We all know that plants breathe in carbon dioxide and release oxygen for us to breathe, but here are a few things you might not know:

·  In search of ways to clean the air in space stations, NASA researchers found that efficient air detoxifying requires at least one plant per 100 square feet. That’s a lot of pretty greens to decorate and clean your home!

·  A study at The Royal College of Agriculture in England found that students demonstrate 70 percent greater attentiveness when they’re taught in rooms containing plants. Not only are they great for the health of you and your family, but for your kids’ performance in school.

Here are a few I use and recommend:

1.  Aloe Vera: Great for sunburns, cuts, and inflammation. Is there anything this plant can’t do? Aloe Vera helps clear formaldehyde and benzene, which can be a result of many chemical-based cleaners, paints and more. Put this sun-loving plant by your kitchen window and enjoy its many benefits!

2.  Spider Plant: This tough plant is known to clean out several air pollutants in your home, such as formaldehyde, trichloroethylene, xylene, toluene, and benzene. Use it as a bedroom plant to maintain a healthy oxygen level in the air while you sleep.

3.  Areca Palm: A natural humidifier for those in dryer climates. This plant is great for releasing extra moisture into the home, while absorbing toxins in the air. Place in a semi-lighted area, such as the living room or foyer area.

4. Peace Lily: Beautiful and smart. The Peace Lily is known as one of the best health-promoting house plants, known for removing alcohols, acetone, trichloroethylene, benzene and formaldehyde. Place it in the bathroom to avoid unwanted molds and toxins.


If having multiple different types of plants overwhelms you, start with one and go from there! Enjoy caring for a new plant knowing that you are caring for yourself and family too.