Do you ever feel foggy and like your brain just isn’t keeping up? Trust me, I know firsthand how much that sluggish feeling can slow you down in every area of your life. In my twenties I was working nightshifts in the ER and new to practicing medicine. I was experiencing brain fog and low immunity—but nothing was more frustrating to me than having poor concentration and missing that hop in my step!

Boosting brain health and improving cognition is crucial to living a vibrant life, and a key to truly being the best version of ourselves. To learn how to step into your true power – listen to my TEDx talk on the Science of Empowerment.

2018 TEDx Talk with Dr Taz March 27 1:30PM

Brain Health Impacts More than Just Your Body

It’s no surprise that brain function is key to how you feel physically, mentally, and emotionally. A high-functioning brain provides your body with the chemicals and nutrients you need to keep you energized, focused, and feeling good. Thankfully, I figured out how to nourish my body, what to avoid and supplement with to get my mental acuity and brain health back! Unfortunately, the majority of women I see every month in practice come to me feeling drained, foggy, lack-luster and are stressed out because of it.

Unrealistic Expectations On Women

I think we can all agree that modern society demands so much from women—is it any wonder that we’ve felt beat down and unable to fully own our power? We’re expected to simultaneously juggle careers and family; remember everything; to stand up for our rights and have a voice; to maintain our households and relationships; go to after-school activities; cook healthy meals, pack nutritious lunches; exercise; and to be slim, beautiful, stress-free, and smiling at all times. And somewhere in there we are also supposed to be taking care of our brains?

The Solution

Fortunately, the solution to feeling mentally clear, healthy, energized and empowered is more obtainable than you might think (and no, I’m not just saying that…I’ve walked this road). It starts with getting your chemistry right, and then understanding how all of it fits together so you can truly thrive—whatever that looks like for you!

So what are you waiting for?

3 Steps for Better Brain Health

Let’s start with getting the chemistry behind your brain health in a good place. For now, I recommend focusing on these three easy-to-implement steps to get you on the road to optimal brain health!

  1. Bulk up on B-Vitamins: There are many B vitamins, and getting them all from your food or from supplements can be overwhelming. That’s why more times than not when someone is struggling with poor mood, memory, inattention and concentration issues, and trouble managing stress, I turn to the B’s! The B vitamins are important because they work to transform the food you eat into the energy you need to function every day. Beyond that, they can help with brain health by improving memory, keeping the brain from aging as quickly and even help with depression symptoms. When it comes to B vitamins I believe that it’s important to take a B complex, or a blend that includes folate, B6, and B12. The B complex formula, Boost, includes all of these, plus magnesium, thiamin, riboflavin, pantothenic acid and selenium—which is also great for motor performance, cognition and supports the thyroid! Boost is also methylated, which means that it is in an active form making it easy for your body to use.
  1. Take the right omega 3s: Omega 3 fatty acids work in your brain to build healthy cell membranes, they lower inflammation in your brain and body, and scientific studies have linked omega 3s to reduced risk of arthritis, cancer, heart disease, and Alzheimer’s. But your body can’t produce these essential fats on its own—you must get them from your diet. My favorite way to get omega 3s is through my diet, and I’ve been fairly obsessed with seeds this last year because I’ve seen how much of a powerful punch they deliver, both by being rich in omega 3s, and also in fiber and protein.
  1. Remove toxic nutrients: This includes sugar, refined flours and grains, and all packaged and processed foods. These foods all trigger inflammation in your brain and body! Remember that since your brain lives in your body, so what you put in your body affects how your brain works (or doesn’t work). Preventing depression, anxiety, and memory loss is dependent on giving your body the nutrients it needs—and eliminating the foods that leave you foggy-headed and frustrated.

The Female Brain & The Science of Empowerment

To learn more about the female brain and how to feel your best, boost your confidence and self-esteem, and step forward as a leader—tune-in to my FREE live-stream TEDxLincolnSquare talk THIS TUESDAY March 27. Get ready to unlock the Science of Empowerment!